A Fun Photo Trip to Durban

The Golden Mile - Durban Photography

I took a day off to spend some time with some good mates from Round Table in The Netherlands on a trip to Durban. Obviously the camera came along.

The Valley of a Thousand Hills

From Pietermaritzburg our first stop was at the valley overlooking KwaXimba. This is a spot I found when I was working in Cato Ridge and I have been back there quite a lot. Not too many people know about this place because it’s a little off the beaten track but the view is breath-taking. This is basically the start of the Valley of a Thousand Hills.

KwaXimba - Durban
Start of the Valley of a Thousand Hills

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Pyga Mountain Bikes – Commercial Photography

It’s always nice for a commercial photographer to have a return customer. In this case it was Patrick Morewood from Pyga Mountain Bikes. The first photos that I took on the previous shoot; I used a black background to give the photos a moody atmosphere. The photography was done at Camera Studio in Pietermaritzburg.

This time around we used a white background because the photos are to be used mainly for their new website. Photography on a white background can be pretty challenging for a photographer especially when the subjects of the photos have a glossy finish and thin elements. Another issue to look out for is chromatic aberration that you can encounter due to the bright background contrasting with the darker edges. Initially there was a little aberration which I adjusted for.

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Photography Laws – for Photographers and People Being Photographed

photography laws

I have spent a lot of time researching the laws affecting photographers and the photographed public in South Africa. As it happens there are not that many photography laws to note. I will go through the really important ones that affect photographers and people being photographed. It is really important, especially for South African Photographers, …

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Photographer Pietermaritzburg – All New Website

Photographer Pietermaritzburg. This is my all new website on local South African servers. My international site stevenmcgregor.com will stay on for my oversees clients. I decided to get this website up and running to promote my business locally so feel free to browse around and I will keep adding content to the blog. I am a professional photographer …

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